What we do


Strategic communications

Communication is more than the act of sharing information, it is about finding common ground with one another. Communication is about dialogue, engagement and perception.

Our discipline requires us to be curious, empathetic, hands-on and, most importantly, to have common sense. We understand what our clients do, and together, the R&A team possesses more knowledge about a range of subjects – both mining-related, and more esoteric and diverse – than most of our communication peers in South Africa.

We work closely with our clients to identify, map and engage with their target audiences, be they investors, media, NGOs and other stakeholders. Our communications approaches are pragmatic, innovative and impactful, using a full range of existing and bespoke communications platforms and channels.

Internal audiences – usually employees and contractors – can make or break a business. And engaging with these vitally important stakeholders in a strategic, honest and impactful way can play an important role in shaping company culture, getting buy-in for strategic imperatives, and underpinning company success. Importantly, internal communication is just as much about listening as it is telling..

We use our knowledge of change management and behavioural economics to shape communications strategies, to develop and deliver trustworthy communications vehicles, and to measure and manage outcomes.

Social media

Daily monitoring and analysis means social media becomes a cost-effective way for the company to listen to and understand its stakeholders.